Found 21 valid records and 1 deprecated records (in 0.01 seconds)
Area of use: Latin America - Central America and South America, onshore and offshore.
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Area of use: Latin America - Central America and South America, onshore and offshore.
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Area of use: Latin America - Central America and South America, onshore and offshore.
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Area of use: Latin America - Central America and South America, onshore and offshore.
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Area of use: Latin America - Central America and South America, onshore and offshore.
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Area of use: Latin America - Central America and South America, onshore and offshore.
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Area of use: Latin America
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Area of use: South America - onshore and offshore. Ecuador (mainland and Galapagos) - onshore and offshore.
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with transformation: 10419
Area of use: North America (accuracy: 0.0)
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with transformation: 9129
Area of use: North America (accuracy: 0.0)
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with transformation: 10416
Area of use: North America (accuracy: 0.0)
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