Found 385 valid records and 17 deprecated records (in 0.04 seconds)
Area of use: North America - Canada and USA (CONUS, Alaska mainland)
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Area of use: North America - Canada and USA (CONUS, Alaska mainland)
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Area of use: North America - Canada and USA (CONUS, Alaska mainland)
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Area of use: North America including Greenland, the Caribbean and Central America, together with circum
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Area of use: North America including Greenland, the Caribbean and Central America, together with circum
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with transformation: 15894
Area of use: Latin America (accuracy: 1.0)
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with transformation: 15894
Area of use: Latin America (accuracy: 1.0)
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with transformation: 15894
Area of use: Latin America (accuracy: 1.0)
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with transformation: 1864
Area of use: South America - onshore north of 45°S excluding Amazonia. (accuracy: 19.0)
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with transformation: 1188
Area of use: North America (accuracy: 4.0)
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